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Looking for ways to be part of this experience?

Here’s your chance!

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Other Options to help

Supplies/ Donations Needed - Pylons, rails, large horse ball, jump standards

Donate a Horse- Have a horse you think would be fantastic? Maybe one that isn’t sound for the riding you want to do but still needs something to do? Horses in the program will be well loved and taken care of! However, we require a trial period for all horses to determine whether it is a good fit for everyone.

Volunteer- Volunteers can help in many ways: help with media/ promotions, help with some crafting/ creating different items for the sessions, help facilitate sessions, help care for horses or clean up, help set up the sessions, help with staff childcare etc. Plus, volunteers will be the first ones considered when job opportunities come out!

Support DES- Dunmore Equestrian Society is working towards building an indoor riding arena. Once this arena is up, the plan is to run Prairie Instincts there! This arena will be a wonderful resource for the community in many others ways, as well, and any support you can offer will be much appreciated by many people.

Donate today! - Follow this link to donate any amount. Donations are currently being put towards horse care expenses as well as expansion.

Contact us today!



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