Frequently Asked Questions

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How much does it cost?

Depends on the session!

Do you have health insurance? Kenzie Schulze (owner/ facilitator) is a Registered Social Worker with ACSW (Alberta College of Social Workers) and some plans may cover the costs. Learn more about the costs here or message me to find out more.

Is this for kids with disabilities?

This is a complicated question. Usually when people are asking this I believe they are thinking about other services, such as therapeutic riding (which we don’t offer). In EAL, they will never be on the horse.
EAL is not directed at kids with disabilities. Does this mean they can’t participate? Absolutely not. That completely depends on what they are able to do and what they can’t do (for instance, they have to be able to walk comfortably and steadily in sand). However, this program is developed for a wide range of participants. Child to adult. Struggling in some way to thriving and wanting to build leadership.

You DO NOT need to have a huge problem to benefit from Equine Assisted Learning.

Do I need my own horse?

No! All you need is closed- toe shoes appropriate for walking in a barn and weather-appropriate clothes. We take care of the rest.

What if i don’t know how to ride?

No problem, this program is groundwork only and there will be no riding.

But.. when can we ride?

At this time, Prairie Instincts does not offer any riding. Our insurance policy does not cover it and it is not part of the EAL experience. We really encourage you to try this experience!

I don’t have any horse experience, can I still participate ?

Of course! No horse experience necessary- we will teach you what you need to know!

Is this Therapy?

In short- no.

While there are therapeutic benefits to participating in the program; this is not therapy and this is not a counselling practice. In the future we may extend our services to include Equine Assisted Psychotherapy. For now, this is a learning/ skills development program with wonderful benefits.